Manila Science High School (Masci) The Manila Science High School (MSHS or MaSci for brevity) is the pilot science high school of the ...
American Cemetery - BGC (Bonifacio Global City) Venice Grand Canal Malll - BGC with moeslim traveller from Yogyakarta, I...
Only brave person will success. A wise man said there’s always a story behind everything. How a picture got on a wall. How a scar got ...
Prologue A new chance comes, maybe for me this is precious rare chance. I was chosen as SEA-Teacher (Pre-Service Student Teacher Excha...
Soetta Airport, Jakarta, Indonesia Sky from aiplane Kuala Lumpur IA, Malaysia Sky Airplane from Malaysia Intramur...
I started observing teacher in the first week were in PNU-ITL (Philippine Normal University – Institute Teaching and Learning) and the seco...
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